Friday 21 February 2014


This is a fun place to come with a group of friends.  The food is great and it won't break your wallet, and the place has a really cool atmosphere.
I've heard several Youtubers mention this restaurant in their vlogs and I'm always weirdly interested in the phases they go through.  A lot of the Youtubers I follow are based in LA and have huge fan bases, but they seem a lot easier to relate to than the more traditional Hollywood crowd, which I guess is the reason why they're so influential in setting trends, at least in my mind.
Because of this, I felt really excited when a Nando's opened up in downtown Toronto at the beginning of this year.  Just the sight of the cheery signs and the glow through the windows breathe a bit of warmth into the frigid streets.  The restaurant serves Portuguese style grilled chicken seasoned with their signature Peri Peri spices.  Its concept is pretty simple, but unique.  You might compare it to the canonized Swiss Chalet, but the quality is so much better that they're on different levels.
You have to go up to the cashier to order, but the servers bring the food to your table when it's ready.  I was a little put off by having to stand in line to order, since the cashier is right by the entrance.  It's the middle of winter and each time the door was opened, I felt like a mini blizzard was lining up behind me.  Apart from that, the restaurant is surprisingly cozy, despite its size.  Artwork and designs by South African artists brighten up the room, making it a really fun place to hang out.
I've been twice so far and both times I've ordered the quarter chicken with a side. The bill came up $9.50 plus tax, which is very decent for a meal downtown.  The chicken was deliciously tender.  You can choose how spicy you want it, but (being a big baby) I always get plain.  Even so, the chicken wasn't bland it all.  It was really flavorful and both sides I've tried, the garlic mashed potatoes and the classic fries, have been awesome.  Their menu is satisfyingly diverse, so you don't just have to order chicken every time.  Their vegetarian options and dessert menu sound pretty tasty too.  I'm looking forward to going back and trying their frozen yogurt next time.

Monday 13 August 2012

Batman: The Dark Knight Rises

Quick Review (No Spoilers):
Image from
I thought the new Batman movie was awesome!  The plot was exciting, with twists that were shocking but believable and satisfying enough that I wasn't left feeling confused or horribly betrayed, like the second movie in the series.  The acting was incredible and moving.  The fight scenes were riveting and painful to watch at the same time, adding a sense of reality to the action.  The gadgets were awesome.  I loved the moments of humor (the animal puns ranged from witty to delightfully cheesey) that punctuated the darkness of the setting without belittling the urgency of the plot.  In fact, the movie didn't seem as dark as the first two in the series.  While the feeling of impending doom was clear, the director Christopher Nolan left much of the horrific details to the imagination.  The lack of gore and freakishness was probably designed to entice a wider audience (who loves comic book superheroes more than kids? Don't answer that...) but I sort of missed that I didn't have to peep through my fingers in terror at what might be revealed next.  Basically, the movie wasn't as extreme as the other two, which made it more watchable but not quite as exciting for those who were (unrealistically) expecting a match for Heath Ledger as the Joker and his horrifying shenanigans.

Full Response (WARNING! SPOILERS):

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Sephora Ultra Shine Lip Gloss - Color: 14 Shiny Natural Look

Image from my camera
With spring and summer trends shouting for bright colors in both eye makeup and clothes, I was feeling a little like a twelve year old trying to dress up like Nicki Minaj, with the bright pink lipgloss I normally wear.  While Nicki Minaj's use of color is awesome as a performer, I feel more comfortable using one bright color on my face and having the rest neutral.  However, this meant that I had to find a neutral color for my lips if I wanted to wear eye-popping colors on my eyes.